How to Let Go of Anger (Podcast Transcript)
In this episode, I delve deep into anger, and share the tools and techniques that help me let go of anger and live a more peaceful life. Please feel free […]
In this episode, I delve deep into anger, and share the tools and techniques that help me let go of anger and live a more peaceful life. Please feel free […]
Hello Everyone, Welcome to the podcast “Close to the Bone.” I’m Carl Vreeland. This is episode #46, it’s called, “We’re All Going to Die, and That’s OK.” Yes, we’re all […]
What Buddhism has given me is boundless and priceless. It has awakened me to reality, true reality. I know that nothing is permanent and that everything changes. I know that […]
Hello Everyone, Welcome to the podcast “Close to the Bone.” I’m Carl Vreeland. At last, I’m back. Months in the making, I’m finally settling into my newly renovated home. I’ve […]
I thought I was awake. I thought I was wise. But I was wrong. I was ignorant (in the sense of being blind to reality/truth), only I didn’t know it. […]
Imagine walking alone in the park on a quiet Fall day, the sun mildly warming your skin, the crisp air reminding you of your aliveness. Suddenly you get sense of […]
We’re always waiting . . . waiting for that job promotion and pay raise, waiting for that big break, waiting for the weekend to come, waiting for the summer weather […]
Greetings Everyone, I’m Carl Vreeland, and this is the podcast “Close to the Bone.” Before I start, I want to apologize for the lapse of time between episodes. As I […]
Greetings Everyone, I’m Carl Vreeland, and this is the podcast “Close to the Bone.” Before I begin, I want to mention that there’s a strong likelihood I will be unable […]
Hello Everyone, Welcome to the podcast “Close to the Bone.” My name is Carl Vreeland. This is episode #31, entitled, Satire, Sarcasm, and All That Jazz. Merriam Webster defines satire […]